If you are a book loving Geek like us, then undoubtedly you would have attempted reading an ebook. While nothing beats the feeling of having an actual paperbound book in your hands there is something to be said for being able to store some 20, 30 books on your phone. Why? First thing that comes to mind is that when traveling, you save a lot of that baggage weight for shopping. My love affair with Stanza really began when Shoe Geek introduced me to the Twilight series. Unable to get my hands on Eclipse while on an Edward/ Bella high, I resorted to finding it online. Yet reading in front of the computer is something I associate with being at the office and at home, it just doesn’t feel right. Stanza imitates the reading process by ‘flipping’ pages when you tap left or right and allows you to adjust the font size. Books can be uploaded to the phone wirelessly via Stanza Desktop (although I do wish you can batch upload). Best of all, it’s a free app so why not take it out for a test run?
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