Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Isn't It Organic?

The header to this post, a sort-of tribute to Miss Alanis Morissette, may be woefully outdated, but the topic -- organic products -- is definitely not. You can't turn your head without coming face-to-face with some shampoo/t-shirt/vegetable/mp3 player that's all-natural, organic, green, good-for-you-in-ways-you-can't-understand, or whatever the correct terminology is. As the organic movement takes over the world, we kind of become de-sensitized to this kind of product labelling. So this isn't a post about the Four Seasons' new "beyond organic" spa treatments. This is a post about spa treatments at the Four Seasons, that happen to be organic.

These new treatments are based around a new line called ila, a (yes you got it) organic series of products produced ethically and that gives back to the community. The treatments include all sorts of cool-sounding voodoo, and basically, all you have to know is that by booking a treatment, you are being a good person. (because ila is good, and therefore by association, you are good too). Some of the treatments available:

Chakra Healing: Starts with a personal consultation to examine your faulty chakras, then a tailor-made Himalayan salta scrub of bath treatment, then a marma massage (note to self: find out what the heck a marma massage is), chakra healing and a marma facial (note to self: REALLY have to find out what marma is). 2.5 hours; HK$2,800.

Rainforest Rejuvenating Facial: A holistic facial that encourages natural regeneration of the skin. COOL! Like Wolverine, or the cheerleader from Heroes? Or more like all-natural Nip/Tuck? (and yes, in case you were wondering, sometimes I do annoy myself with my constant interruptions and digressions) Anyway, what they actually do is stimulate circulation and the lymphatic system to fight ageing, using a blend of pure Amazonian acmella, pfaffia, marapuama and white lily. 1.25 hours; HK$1,150.

Bio-Energy Mud Wrap: Promotes "profound healing of the energy body" (re-insert Wolverine joke here) by drawing toxins out (like Magneto, but with toxins instead of metal). A Himalayan salt scrub kicks things off, followed by the wrap and a facial marma massage and Himalayan salt bath. Really need to look up marma now. 1.25 hours; HK$1,150.

Jatamansi Scrub: This one's for the boys! The scrub gets rid of stress and restores vitality and positive energy. 45 mins; HK$650.

The Spa at the Four Seasons is at 6/F, 8 Finance Street, Central. Tel: 852 3196-8900, or email:

Oh, and marma points, it turns out, is just a complicated way of saying some version of acupressure or "vital points". It's a bit more complicated and holistic than that, I'm sure, but I won't bore you with that. Just know that it's good for you.

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