How ridiculous/cute are these accessories by Emma Ferguson? They're all handmade by madame herself, and sold at a craft market on the weekends, or for us Hong Kongers, via I Don't Like Mondays, which is both a great name for a store and an apt description of my mood today. As a child of the 80s who grew up with two brothers who played video-games copiously (we're Asian, after all) I'm getting a little nostalgic looking at the game boy and space invader badges, and I'm loving how the cross-stitching makes it look all pixelated like video games did in those days. That said, I'm more of a Tetris girl -- challenge me, I dare you -- and more importantly, I'm wondering what the hell do people actually do with badges once they've outgrown the Eastpak/Manhattan Portage decoration phase? Man, what I'd give to stick these on my Trapper Keeper.
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