Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Geek Peek: Joyce Yung of Random Art Workshop

This week, we talk to Joyce Yung, professional photographer and Co-Founder and Creative Director of Random Art Workshop, a fun place where you can unleash your creativity towards arts and crafts. The last time ShoeGeek and I were there, we create our own Tiffany-blue scrapbooks and had a blast doing so. Read on to see why she loves Hong Kong, what food she turns to when stressed and her first big investment purchase.

HKFG: Name your favourite thing about HK
JY: The convenience! Everything is so close together, there's like a 7-eleven on every block, shops don't close till 12 midnight in Causeway Bay, you can meet up with friends very easily, and there's still enough variety of activities to do if you look for them.

HKFG: What’s your favourite iPhone app?
JY: I love pretty much any of the camera applications on iPhone. I use quite a few of them to do quick edits and add effects to jazz up my iPhone pics before posting them on Facebook. But if I must choose, I think Hipstamic is my favorite application since it is very versatile and gives a nice effect and border to the photo at the same time. The Quadcam is a close second favorite, it's great for capturing a general story with multiple photos combined in one.

HKFG: What’s your ultimate indulgence food OR go-to food when you’re stressing out?
JY: Chips (love Honey Dijon Kettle cooked chips) and chocolate (dark chocolate or Twix!)

HKFG: What’s your secret ambition?
JY: To be a pop singer! I always wanted to be a singer especially when the reality show American Idol was introduced at the time. But it would take a lot more to be a pop star!

HKFG: What song do you sing in the shower?
JY: Any Alicia Keys or Kelly Clarkson songs. Probably mostly 'No One' by Alicia Keys.

HKFG: What’s on your lust list?
JY: A medium format digital camera, a new set of studio lights, travel and get inspired

HKFG: What was your first big investment purchase?
JY: My studio apartment in New York City. I just finished college and was about to start my new job at the time, so it was a bit of a risky decision, but ultimately paid off.

HKFG: What is the last thing you think about before going to sleep
JY: Usually I got through a list of things I need to do in the next day!

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