Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday Linkfest

hong kong fashion geek verysmallanna elephant bubblegum painting
Reasons why you shouldn't spit your gum on the floor (other than the fact that my shoe soles don't like it)... attack of the gum!

Sea of Shoes isn't all about shoes... once in a while, there are furrier obsessions, like Nao (the mao...)

Cupcakes -- not just another enemy of the waistline. They also make pretty good models. Damn, can they hold a pose!

Take the top three subjects (art, furry animals, and cake), combine them and get... paintings of animals eating dessert. Strangely soothing.

And just for a final fashion-related link, Rachel Zoe takes a cue from Gwyneth's Goop and will start her own website/newsletter calle d The Zoe Report.

Image: verysmallanna

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