Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Whole New World

By the time you're reading this, I'm gallivanting across the Mediterranean in a sick little cruise ship, stuffing my face and breaking the shopping embargo secretly since no one is there to monitor me. The Euro is useful in that you don't have to use a billion different currencies out here anymore... but in case you wanted to keep track of the rest of the world's major dollar signs, Design Glut has got a currency necklace that's kind of fun. There's also, for the less financially inclined, a world map. I don't think I'd wear these, personally, but they do look kind of cool, and I have great respect for laser-cut acrylic, for whatever reason (maybe because it reminds me of Alex and Chloe)... and besides, I'm scraping the barrel, I need to write and schedule nine posts to go up for when I'm in net-free land. AND, I still need to pack.

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1 comment:

  1. The world map necklace oozes more of a cool factor. Have fun cruisin'!
