Monday, January 21, 2013

22 Ships... At Last

Okay, so I was supposed to be the first blogger ever to write about 22 Ships. Not by law or anything, but simply because I was quite literally one of the first people to dine in the restaurant when it opened October 15 for dinner. I left work at 5.30pm on the dot to make sure I would arrive Wanchai on time for the 6pm opening. I then took these pictures.

The following day, I took an early lunch (early like, 11:55am) and became one of the first lunch-time diners. Yeah, that's how good I thought it was. Plus, they offered 50% off to diners on the first three days of business, and that never hurts the hype either.

22 Ships did not need more hype. It was full the first night, full the first lunch, and has been pretty full for every meal since then. And for some reason, even though I've now visited the restaurant four times, I am only just getting around to writing about it. Lucky for you readers, this means I've pretty much tried EVERYTHING on the menu, so this is going to be a what to order/what not to order post.

What to order:

The Spanish Breakfast is a riff on chef Jason Atherton's English Breakfast, served at his first restaurant, Pollen Street Social in London. I'm predisposed to love this because I'm an egg maniac, but it's actually the potato foam that really makes it.

Peas, broad beans, goat curd, Iberico and mint dressing. It's normally served all together, ours was separated because we had a non-meat-eater in our midst. People who love goat-dairy need to eat this.

This is much larger than it looks in the picture. Perfectly cooked suckling pig.

Iberico and foie mini-burgers. Really, 'nuff said.

Oh, also the foie gras and sweetbread empanadas are almost like sin in a pastry crust. So rich that one bite should be enough... but it never is.

What to order if you're still hungry after that:

I like the toasties, but there's really no reason you should be paying $68 for a ham and cheese sandwich. Unless you're still not full. That's a good reason.

Miso-grilled mackerel, wasabi avocado, cucumber chutney.

Scallop ceviche

Then pretty much get the desserts to fill up. If it's your first time, go for the goat-cheese sorbet, honeycomb and walnut. Such savvy use of ingredients and flavors. Then I think it's a toss-up between the modernized PBJ or the olive-oil brioche, for those who can't end a meal without chocolate (hey, no shame).

What not to order:

This is a stupid entry, actually, because this dish was taken off the menu, in the Eggs section. It was not very exciting. And a little too much like actual breakfast.

I had the gambas but can't really remember anything about it. Given the price tag, I'd say your stomach quota is better served elsewhere. The oysters are also an interesting twist, but considering the price tag, it's really not anything special.

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  1. While I can understand why people love 22 Ships, I do think the tapas are rather overpriced. For what it's worth, it should only be done on special occasion. Mine was a Christmas dinner with the better half, so I can't complain.

  2. I agree with Razlan, the value isnt good enough for the money. Plus, after having had Robuchon's miniburger, it has been hard to find an equivalently juicy and succulent burger on the same level. This one at 22 Ships was disappointing to me. I found it rather dry.
