Thursday, July 5, 2012

Baby Fever

I never realised how much golfing knowledge I have crammed into my head until recently the day job picked up a new client, The Evian Masters sponsored by evian®, a women’s golfing tournament that starts July 26. Don’t get me wrong. I always knew I have some golfing knowledge seeing as during the college years, every summer I had to go to the driving range to learn how to play plus the fact that I have a golf fanatic dad who drives up to Shenzhen twice a week to play golf but it was always just one of those things where I shrugged off. Then there are those evenings when I would spend time with my dad watching pro golf tournaments where to be honest, it’s more me spending time with him and playing on my phone while he watches.

So when this client came about and was assigned to some of my colleagues and they were in despair having no knowledge about golf personalities, I suddenly pulled the name Yani Tseng out of my head to the amazement of everyone in the room (myself included). For those who don’t know who she is, Yani is the youngest player ever, male or female, to win five major championships and is ranked number 1 (since 2011) in the Women's World Golf Rankings.

So back to the visual on hand. Apparently, evian® has this Live young campaign whereby they celebrate the youth in all of us and has come up with a range of amusing t-shirts that on first look can be quite jarring but I can’t help but smile when I see it. (I know ShoeGeek will disagree but that’s just coz she hates babies). What do you think? Cute or creepy? See more after the cut.

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1 comment:

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