Monday, July 23, 2012

Wootfy Do!

Not much to report in the land of Hong Kong Fashion Geek... except perhaps the addition of a new family member! Meet Mario Woofy Harrelson, the foofiest dog I wasn't even looking to adopt until he wormed his way into my heart with barrels full of drool and the goofiest eyes you've ever seen on a corgi. The fact that he still had poop on his ass and kept trying to drink sewer water was probably a calculated attempt to make me feel sorry for him, and sorry I was, because I just spent the last 48 hours cuddling him... This is officially the fastest I've ever fallen in love with a dude. I think I have it bad.

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  1. Woofy Harrelson is looking MIGHTY happy in this pic!
    Yay to you for giving him a home:))

  2. O la la, miss Foxy got a friend!
    Thanks for sheltering one more dog, you have a heart of gold!

  3. O la la, miss Foxy got a friend!
